New Program for Spouses and Step-children of US Citizens Announced
We are always on the lookout for immigration news. On June 18, 2024, the government announced they would change the process for petitions by US citizens for their spouses and step-children. If the US citizen was married to a person who entered without inspection over ten years ago, their process could be handled without excessive delay. The alternative process involves a four to five year process for a waiver. There are several missing details on eligibility for the “Process to Promote the Unity and Stability of Families.” Here are the minimal criteria the government has released.
To be eligible, applicants must be able to prove the following:
The immigrant was physically present in the United States for at least ten years prior to the day before the announcement was released to the public.
Entered the USA without permission or inspection.
Was married to a citizen prior to June 17, 2024. AND
Has no criminal history which would disqualify them from lawful permanent residence.
Some of these things are hard to prove - for example ten years of being in the USA. We can help applicants prepare and prove their case.
We are happy to hear from you to submit your application. These applications cannot be submitted prior to Monday, the 19th of August. This is when the government expects to publish all requirements in the Federal Register. We anticipate that this effort to help families will generate some litigation which may stop applications. So we encourage all to get their applications in as soon as possible. Applications already submitted may not be part of court stay. Just give us a call or send a message in the “CONTACT US” page of this website.